Superwoman Business Service (SBS) is a crowd source provider offering an array of virtual administrative support services for start-ups, small, mid-size and large companies committed to saving money and streamlining processes to improve productivity and profits. Unlike most competitors in the industry where businesses must look for talent, we connect businesses directly specialist ready to handle their specific need.
Tasks are divided into five groups; expertise-based, software service, freelance, micro-task and ideation tasks.
Expertise-based tasks
Our entrepreneurs specialize in this category - expertise-based tasks are completed by specialist recognized as being reliable sources of technique, skill or knowledge; many have degrees in their fields and are contacted for work pertaining to their specific knowledge base or skill set. Examples that capitalize on a knowledge base are research papers, article editing or fact checking, employee training manual consultation; as well as, video editing and graphic design.
Expertise-based tasks account for the largest proportion of industry revenue at 37.0%, these tasks are often project based and crowd sourcing is often much more cost effective for businesses than hiring an employee for that single task. This cost savings is effective for businesses of all sizes and in a wide range of industries, which has contributed to its popularity. Over the past five years, this segment has grown, as more companies
have accepted the feasibility of crowdsourcing for project-based tasks.
Software services
SBS connects businesses with the people necessary to develop software services that may be too expensive to develop in house. Recent studies indicate start-ups and small businesses are expected to demand these services more than larger enterprises. According to Massolution, a research company focused on crowd sourcing solutions, more than half of the revenue in this segment is derived from start-ups and small businesses. Large enterprises also demand these services, as the cost of crowd sourcing these services can be more cost efficient than hiring specialized labor to undertake development in-house. In 2017, this segment is expected to account for 16.0% of industry revenue.
Freelance tasks
Freelance tasks are completed by workers committed to employers on a long-term basis operating as independent contractors. Freelancers have a flexible scope and schedule and can be paid on a daily, hourly or per project basis; tasks are much like expertise-based tasks, but do not necessarily require the same level of education or skill. These tasks fall into the creative realm with many involving writing, editing and designing; companies contract a variety of freelancers through industry portals to write product reviews, blog posts, social media postings and feature-length articles, among many others.
Other freelance tasks that fall outside of the creative realm include taking surveys and errand running. Freelance tasks are expected to account for 16.0% of industry revenue in 2017. This proportion is expected to have grown over the past five years, as freelance worker counts have grown consistently.
Micro tasks are short duration tasks requiring no specialized knowledge or expertise other than a basic comprehension and cognitive judgement level. These tasks include data imputation, photograph tagging, object identification and data set sorting. Microtasks are predominantly requested by mid-sized businesses, which have the resources necessary to hire highly skilled workers to meet their day-to-day needs, but do not often have enough resources to hire additional workers to exclusively do these lower-skilled tasks.
Ideation tasks
SBS specializes in providing Ideation-based tasks to businesses through industry-relevant portals that pertain to creative processes. These tasks can be related to the generation, development or communication of an idea; in fact, many companies will use ideation services for advertising campaigns or a product design contest. For example, Coca Cola and Lay’s have both been prominent users of the crowd sourcing of advertisement and product ideas. Lay’s has even rolled out a campaign that allows individuals to submit an idea for a new flavor of potato chip and the brand chooses some of the top submissions and produces and distributes them each year. While Lay’s and Coca Cola both have technological infrastructures with enough resources to host these campaigns in-house, many companies cannot and seek out the assistance of industry operators to facilitate communication with potential creative collaborators.
Micro-tasked/Freelance Services (Hourly)
• Answering Service • Cold Calling • Collections • Resume writing • MS Word Docs • Excel Sheets • Database • Bus. Cards • Marketing • Advertising • Stenography • Conference Calls • Editing docs. • Event Planning • Converting pdfs to Word or Excel
Software/Expertise-Based Task Services (Flat Fee)
Virtual Office Setup (G-Suite, SharePoint or OneDrive) – file and organize corporate documents.
Creative Cloud (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Dimensions).
Proposal Writing and Designing Website Designing.
Desktop Publishing, Flyers, Newsletters, Brochures
Organization Structure - Build and/or upgrade organization structure; job descriptions.
Streamline Processes - Simplify and fine tune processes (create forms, invoices spreadsheets).
Virtual Executive Assistant - Assist executive staff with day to day operations on a temporary basis.
Virtual Staff Assistant - Assist staff with day to day operations on a temporary basis
Human Resources - Create and maintain employee records and manuals.
Contracts (Employee, Partnership, NDA, NCND)
Corporate Documents - Creating and/or update Business Plans, Corporate Bylaws, Company Ethical Standards.
